Food For Thought

'Louise Jane Lemon ....You can do anything you want to, if you put your mind to it ' My Mum

'Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever' Lance Armstrong

'Effort is only effort when it begins to hurt ' Jose Ortega y Gassett

'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step' Lao Tzu

'Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving'Albert Einstein

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Day 10 Dedicated to the one and only Speedy

Without you I’m not sure if I could have done this ……thank you for everything, you’ve made my  dream a reality.
Evanton to Tongue 70 Miles
I don’t know what to say …… I’ve ridden most of this road before but never in such rubbish conditions. My mum and dad were riding the support  van and trying their best to keep spirits high… they spray painted messages on the road and bought us treats galore but the wind was just rubbish, I wasn’t in  a bad mood it was just hard hard hard cycling. Imagine being slapped in the face 100 times an hour that’s kind of how It felt, at one point it got so hard I thought I was going to be sick … but we soldiered on. The last 18 miles took us nearly 2 hours to cycle… We got to tongue and checked in to our accomodation and had a fab last dinner with the support crew . The end is near and regardless of the weather  I feel quite sad about it. ;-( One more day to go.

1 comment:

mum said...

enormous congrats well done but then i knew you would do it lots of love and thanks to you and all of your team for all the work that you all put in to help the kids of kolkata - xxxx your mum.