Food For Thought

'Louise Jane Lemon ....You can do anything you want to, if you put your mind to it ' My Mum

'Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever' Lance Armstrong

'Effort is only effort when it begins to hurt ' Jose Ortega y Gassett

'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step' Lao Tzu

'Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving'Albert Einstein

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Day 2 - Dedicated to Pooja (female) - age 6 - Kolkata

Pooja has had a very difficult start in life and is still only 6. My mum has known her since she was three and was begging on the streets she is just beautiful. We thought she had been taken away for good by her grandmother who wanted her to beg so she could make money but after about 10 months she turned up - thank goodness - what happened to her whilst she was away doesn't bare thinking about however now she is growing big and strong and is safe once again.

Day 2 Bude - Cheddar 105 miles

This has to short and sweet as its coming from my phone...

Goodbye Cornwall hello Devon ... Flipping heck how many hills have We been up and down today ? None of which are huge but all of which were step my thighs are still burning .... We had our first stop at great Torrington at 25 miles both cyclists and support managed to meet in the same place wool hoo were making progress ... What a climb to the town centre I wish I could have taken a pic but it took all my effort to get to the top ..
We made our way on to Hampton up and down, up and down, up and down zero recovery then up again toug cycling but way better than yesterday at lest the descents were fun :-) we stopped at bampton for lunch and met speedys friend mike who had very kindly driven 60 miles to come and give us a wee cheer on.

From bampton we made our way to waybridge on to Taunton then through to cheddar.

Ok so what else to report ... Speedys lost a spoke dads found paradise and i've got a sore butt !! Apart from that all is well however I'm a little worried about speedys food consumption I'm thinking his daily intake would probably feed the whole of Kolkata for a day!! We might be losing 4000 ish calories a day but I'm sure he's eating double that .... Can you even imagine how much food that is ? Ok must dash need some zzzz's

Mileage. Cyclists 105 v support 115
2. - 0 to the cyclists

Legs are feeling strong, mind is feeling strong ...Day 3 let's rock .....

Apologies for the typos


Howard and Coral said...

Well done you guys!! It was great to meet you all last night. We wish you all the best for the rest of your adventure!!

christina said...

keep up the great effort, im cycling to Nairn and back today big woops ha ha, nothing compared to you xxxx

nik wheeler said...

Glad to see all is well and your Dad is doing well at the shops/ sight seeing. Wishing you and Speedy all the best for the journey ahead. x

David Jo & girls said...

Well done keep it up